Dalley v Information Commissioner, EA/2011/0180, FTT Decision on 15 February 2012, concerns EIR Regulation 12(5)(d), on breach of confidence, and a refusal by the Ombudsman of an information request.  The confidentiality was provided by Section 32(2) of the Local Government Act 1974 in relation to Ombudsman investigations and conducting them efficiently.  The question was whether the public interest in maintaining that confidentiality outweighed the public interest in awareness of investigations on environmental issues conducted by the Ombudsman.  The subject matter was drainage issues and the alleged failure of the Local Planning Authority to address them in a satisfactory manner.  The FTT concluded that the balance of public interest was against disclosure.  The FTT emphasized (para 11) that there is a public interest in enabling the Ombudsman to receive information in confidence, so as not to affect adversely his ability to investigate complaints and thus to maintain the accountability and transparency of local government.