Those of you (all of you, surely?) who are keenly following the nail-biting, cheek-clenching progress of the Trilogue’s negotiations over the General Data Protection Regulation will be overjoyed to read this 370 page official EU document, dated 20 November 2015, summarising the original Commission proposal, the Parliament’s position, the approach of the Council and the “tentative” agreement reached thus far in Trilogue (or, where there is no tentative agreement, the suggestions of the Council’s Presidency).
There is limited purpose in analysing in detail all of the changes and proposals at this stage – enough ink has already been wasted on overtaken drafts – but what the tentative agreements do indicate is that a final text is getting closer. Will it beat Christmas? Who knows. Somehow, it is unlikely that Santa is keen on having to lug a new Regulation around to try and squeeze it into your stockings, but progress is progress.
Christopher Knight